Frequently Asked Questions
Movies Must Watch helps you discover the best movies of all time. Using expert reviews, ratings, and cultural impact as reference points, we curate a collection of must-watch films across different decades and genres, making it easy to find your next great movie experience.
We consider several factors: critical acclaim, cultural impact, innovative storytelling, and lasting influence on cinema. These are films that have stood the test of time or are modern classics that deserve to be seen by every movie enthusiast.
You can filter movies by decade and genre. What makes our filtering special is the ability to combine multiple genres - for example, you can select both 'Action' and 'Comedy' to find action-comedy films, or 'Romance' and 'Comedy' for romantic comedies.
Our movie selections are based on aggregated critic reviews, audience ratings, awards recognition, and cultural significance. We carefully curate this list to ensure you're getting truly noteworthy film recommendations.
Simply click the bookmark icon next to any movie you want to watch later! Your browser will remember your saved movies. You can also mark movies as 'watched' to keep track of what you've seen. Both lists are easily accessible from your profile.
We regularly update our database to include new classic-worthy films while maintaining our high standards for what constitutes a 'must-watch' movie. This ensures our collection stays relevant while preserving timeless classics.